We follow and apply standardized global processes and use Coupa as the tool best aligned to our end-to-end processes. Receive tenders, obtain purchase orders (POs), send invoices and manage catalogs in a one-stop digital solution. This ensures our relationship is both efficient and impactful.


Sourcing & contracts management

Common way of managing sourcing activities and setting up contracts.

Register online

Improved way of registering and updating existing information.

PO management

View all POs online, in one place.

Create invoices online

Create an invoice from a POs and submit it at the touch of a button.

Reduce invoice error

Submit your invoices directly, reducing errors and speeding up payment times.

Tracking invoice payments

Track progress on your invoice payments.

Success Portal

Visit the Coupa Success Portal to learn more about Coupa functions and processes.

Terms & Conditions for Equinix Suppliers

Where a separate written contract is not required by Equinix, the Equinix Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase as specified on this page shall apply. The applicable and appropriate country-specific-terms are available for download.


To help us identify and effectively manage risks within the supplier lifecycle and protect the interests of the company and its stakeholders, Equinix has implemented the Know Your Supplier (KYS) risk management program. 

KYS hasis delivered a secure cloud-based tool used to strategically assess, evaluate, and manage the risk profiles of our suppliers worldwide.  KYS was built as a comprehensive risk solution with reliability, simplicity, speed, and scalability included as its foundational components. KYS brings Equinix comfort in knowing that we are partnering with trusted suppliers.

Equinix uses proprietary data sources in combination with supplier due diligence assessments to assess and manage new and emerging risks in our supply chain. In cases where data is unavailable, unclear or needed to satisfy a compliance requirement, KYS selects and sends specific questionnaires to suppliers for assessment. Assessments take place using an online web portal and have been designed to be user friendly. 

As part of our periodic due diligence process, Equinix may request current and potential suppliers to complete assessments for topics, including but not limited to: 

  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) 
  • Security Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) 
  • Data Privacy 
  • Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) 

If multiple assessments are required based on the scope of your engagement with Equinix, then you will receive individual emails for each questionnaire sent to the email address provided by your Equinix business relationship owner.

During the supplier assessment process, including the expectations from you as a responder, what this information is used for, objective of the assessments and the next steps once the assessment has been completed. 

Our expectations of suppliers: As a current or potential supplier of Equinix, our expectation is that suppliers respond on a timely basis to our requests for information and provide complete and accurate answers to our questions with appropriate attestations as requested. We value your honesty and clarity in support of our due diligence. 

By providing data to the KYS platform, you are ‘attesting by action’ that the data within the questionnaire are true, accurate and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief.   

If high risk items are found, we will engage in conversations with you to mitigate the risk. 

Your expectations of us: You can expect Equinix to handle your data in a safe and responsible way. We respect and maintain confidentiality and have ensured that the SaaS platform we use is a secure place for us to store and manage data for our most strategic asset: our suppliers. Data you provide to us is kept confidential pursuant to the NDA you signed with Equinix.

To provide Equinix with data to make a risk determination. Our questions are to gain visibility of potential areas of risk which could adversely impact one or both parties if realized.  

 If risk is sufficiently high, Equinix will reach out to the supplier to establish remediation steps where insufficient controls have been identified, which will strengthen both our positions in the market.

Questionnaire data is used to populate our Risk Register specific to your responses to the KYS questionnaire(s). Details of the associate risks can be discussed between you and Equinix, and managed accordingly within the KYS portal.

Yes.  We acknowledge that responses to these questionnaire (s) may involve various teams within your business. Additional users can be invited by insert instructions.

Create secure credentials to access the KYS platform where your questionnaire(s) will be awaiting your completion. If you are not the correct individual who should be completing this task, or if more than one team will be collaborating to complete a questionnaire, then please reach out to your business relationship owner who will assist you with assigning the appropriate contacts access to the platform.

In the KYS Platform (Prevalent), under My Surveys you will find the list of surveys you need to complete

You should complete and submit your surveys in no more than two weeks from the date it was sent.

Evidence to support questionnaire responses is a vital part of any due diligence assessment. This evidence allows the relevant risk domain team to gain assurance that a certain control is in place. Without this evidence, it is difficult for questionnaire responses to be acceptable for due diligence purposes.

Please work with risk domain team member associated with the action plan and develop a plan of actions and milestones to remediate the control deficiency identified during the due diligence assessment.

For all technical questions related to the Prevalent platform: support@prevalent.net

For questions related to the assessments: